Giving Tree recognizes that the first months of life are full of growth and development. Our Baby Bear Room is focused on providing loving, warm and responsive care in an enriching and safe environment. Each baby’s routine is individualized according to parent instructions. This ensures that each baby’s individual needs are met throughout the day. At the end of each day, you will be emailed a daily report via HiMama. In addition, you can also log into your HiMama app to see how your child is progressing as its being logged by your teachers through out the day.

Our babies are loved and comforted throughout the day. They are continuously engaged in age-appropriate activities that encourage development such as tummy time, rocking, reading and singing to them. We also introduce the Baby Signs® program to our infants at about 6 months of age, which helps our babies with their communication, cognitive and language skills.

Program Offerings By Classroom

 Baby BearsLil' BearsHoney BearsChubby CheetahsLil' TigersLil' LionsZebrasPre-K
Baby Signs®
Spanish Class
STEAM Enrichment Program
Handwriting Without Tears
Mr. Music Enrichment Program