The Honey Bear Room is Giving Tree’s transition room. The Honey Bear room is a classroom of active learners, who learn best through play, and real life, hands-on experiences. This room is equipped with everything our children need to transition from infant to toddler!

Each week our children participate in multiple enrichment classes. Mr. Music © and his group of talented musicians also come once a week for a specially tailored music class.

In this classroom the teachers design daily activities that encourage our children to express their thoughts, feelings and ideas in verbal and non-verbal ways, while exploring the world around them. Self-expression and communication take center stage. Daily activities include story time, singing and dancing, gross and fine motor skill development, and self-directed play in multi-themed centers. Although their independence is growing, Honey Bears enjoy being cuddled, loved and held.

Program Offerings By Classroom

 Baby BearsLil' BearsHoney BearsChubby CheetahsLil' TigersLil' LionsZebrasPre-K
Baby Signs®
Spanish Class
STEAM Enrichment Program
Handwriting Without Tears
Mr. Music Enrichment Program