Before & After School Care

Giving Tree is proud to offer an After School Care program. Our GTCDC buses transport children to and from the following schools in the afternoon:

  • Crowders Creek Elementary School
  • Griggs Road Elementary School
  • Bethel Elementary School
  • Oakridge Elementary School
  • Larne Elementary School
  • Kinard Elementary School
  • Oakridge Middle School
Our GTCDC buses also provide transportation to children to attend:
  • Crowders Creek Elementary School
  • Griggs Road Elementary School
  • Bethel Elementary School
  • Oakridge Elementary School

After School Program

When your child arrives at Giving Tree after school, we provide them with a snack, homework time, and a combination of teacher directed activities such as weekly arts and crafts and teacher-directed games. There is free play time each day in our multi-centered gym and outside on our large playground. We also enjoy movie day once a week.

"School's Out" Days

Giving Tree also offers a full day of care on teacher workdays/student breaks. Your child is provided with breakfast, lunch and a snack. His/her day is filled with plenty of teacher directed activities, free play and a movie after lunch.

Please contact us for the different after school programs available!

Program Offerings By Classroom

 Baby BearsLil' BearsHoney BearsChubby CheetahsLil' TigersLil' LionsZebrasPre-K
Baby Signs®
Spanish Class
STEAM Enrichment Program
Handwriting Without Tears
Mr. Music Enrichment Program