Our Lil’ Zebra room is for children whose birthdays don’t meet the Pre-K cut off for the current year. (September 1st).

Communication folders for parents provide daily updates, including a behavior chart, and important information about classroom activities and upcoming events. The Zebra Classroom is a multi-centered classroom where learning centers are moving and changing on a regular basis to keep our children’s imaginations engaged.

Each week our children participate in multiple enrichment classes. These classes take place outside of our classroom in a designated area, and include: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematic activities. Mr. Music © and his group of talented musicians also come once a week for a specially tailored music class. Our Lil’ Zebras are also eligible to participate in Giving Tree’s elective classes, such as Playball and N-Zone Sports. Outside time takes place on several outside playgrounds as well as a covered side patio which allows our Lil’ Zebras to get their feet moving even on rainy days!