Our Lil’ Zebra room is for children whose birthdays don’t meet the Pre-K cut off for the current year. (September 1st).

In the Lil’ Zebra room our children learn best through exploration, creative thinking, building, and problem solving. Our Zebras’ day is filled with incredible learning opportunities! We use our trademark Pinnacle Curriculum® program, and our children are introduced to Handwriting Without Tears® and classic nursery rhymes, which are a wonderful form of pre-reading for our emerging readers. Our children continue with the Mat Man® and ZooPhonics ® programs.

Communication folders for parents provide daily updates, including a behavior chart, and important information about classroom activities and upcoming events. The Zebra Classroom is a multi-centered classroom where learning centers are moving and changing on a regular basis to keep our children’s imaginations engaged.

Each week our children participate in multiple enrichment classes. These classes take place outside of our classroom in a designated area, and include: Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematic activities. Mr. Music © and his group of talented musicians also come once a week for a specially tailored music class. Our Lil’ Zebras are also eligible to participate in Giving Tree’s elective classes, such as Playball and N-Zone Sports. Outside time takes place on several outside playgrounds as well as a covered side patio which allows our Lil’ Zebras to get their feet moving even on rainy days!

Program Offerings By Classroom

 Baby BearsLil' BearsHoney BearsChubby CheetahsLil' TigersLil' LionsZebrasPre-K
Baby Signs®
Spanish Class
STEAM Enrichment Program
Handwriting Without Tears
Mr. Music Enrichment Program